Back to Spokane

It’s strange, Spokane, Washington is not a large city, it’s not what someone would consider a major city, I mean I doubt too many people have even heard of Spokane yet I find that I have been to Spokane on many occasions and it is almost becoming common place. In the past Spokane has been the closest airport to ski destinations and other family outings and today I find myself back here once again. This stay as with all of my stays in Spokane will be short (less than 24 hours) as I will be heading down to Clarkston tomorrow to board The Queen of the West a small cruise ship that will take us along the Columbia and Snake rivers.

This cruise will be a new experience for me since the rive limits the size of the ship to only about 120 people wheras I’m used to cruises with multiple hundreds or even a thousand people. I think it will be a nice change of pace, a bit more relaxing than the larger ships and allow me to rest before heading into the real world working for USAA. The small ship does come with some nice perks such as free beer and wine during lunch and dinner as well as a free cocktail hour the hour before dinner so I’m not complaining. I’ve also heard rumor of free wi-fi aboard which is hopefully the case so I can update the blog everynight for my 1 or 2 readers out there.

Something I was thinking about today while on the plane up to the great northwest was an interesting shift in my tastes for airline seats. When I was younger I always used to want to sit in the window seat so I could look outside and see everything going on as I’m sure most of you shared this desire. However now I much prefer the aisle seat, not only can you get in and out of your seat without having to disturb others, you can also stretch out your legs a little more when no one is walking down the aisle, and lets be honest when you’re in the air there’s not much other than clouds to look at outside.
I’m not sure when this change occured but probably in the last few years I’ve seen a general shift in my desire for a window seat to an aisle seat, just an interesting tidbit I was thinking about today.

Other than some lengthy plane rides today was fairly uneventful as the first day of travel usually is. I will be boarding the ship in the morning and will hopefully have some more info about it to post up in the evening as well as our first experiences on the river, check back soon.