Blogging and me

As you may have noticed at this point I have been absent from my blog for a short period of time. Anyone who has read previous blogs of mine (which means you’re unlikely to be reading this one) will recognize this as the usual pattern right before I quit updating altogether. I’m not going to let that happen this time though.

It’s not really writers block that’s the problem, I can almost always find something to ramble on about. It’s more of a motivational issue. For example, it has taken me quite a while simply to get this post out onto my blog. I just seem to find other things I want to do with my time, not that writing on my blog isn’t fun or something I want to do, it just seems to slip to the back of my priority queue at times.

I guess you could also say, I don’t much understand why I blog. Maybe it’s more for me to collect my thoughts, because I doubt anyone comes here on a regular basis… Maybe I do it, just to ramble on and not actually be annoying anyone, like a rant but you don’t actually have to listen. I’m still able to rant and get my feelings out, but I’m not inconveniencing anyone else.

Well so there you have it, the most recent update of me and my life as a blogger, look forward to posts coming soon. I have a week in review to do for tomorrow so that should at least be interesting. Until then keep yourself entertained with this:
