Desert Travel

Today we were scheduled to head up to Holbrook, AZ in preparation for visiting the petrified forest tomorrow. Before saying our final goodbyes to Tuscon we stopped over at te Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This is a vast expanse of land near the Saguaro National Park with over 300 animal species and 1200 plant species (pictures when I get back to TX). Some highlights were the mountain lions, fast asleep in the shade, and the desert wolves that were just hanging out in the shade of a nearby tree. We saw a neat geology demonstration explaining what scientists believe to have happened to form the Tuscon area. There was even an artificial cave to walk through with several exhibits and a large pair of bat ears I got to try on. It was a really great experience even as the sun high above beat down upon us. The drive up to Holbrook was interesting enough for a four hour drive through the middle of nowh…. I mean Arizona. There were several mountains to traverse sporting pretty nice views, and we even passed a fun sign claiming “State Prison, Do Not Stop For Hitchhikers.” I truly wonder about the people choosing to live out in the middle of the desert. I just don’t understand the appeal, but I guess they just want to get away from everything and if that’s true they definitely succeeded. We finally make it to the small town of Holbrook after approximately 5 hours on the road and the temperature has actually dipped significantly, I believe we are at a higher altitude. I don’t know why but travel is tiring, just sitting around all day really takes it out of you, so I’ll be back when I’ve got some new updates.