This Is Your Captain Speaking...

Well, here we go again, another new blog site, another new blog. I have seen a need to start writing things down, and with my work over at WorldPlay Research I should be on here keeping everyone up to date with what is going on, or basically anything I feel like posting about. Things may get a little random at times, and feel free to skip those posts. I’m actually amazed if anyone is reading this far. Well anyway, at this point you are probably wondering what is up with the name of this blog and the name of this post. My grandfather Robert Kroeger flew a Boeing B-17 Bomber during World War II. He was one of the first bombers conducting daytime raids over Berlin. While he isn’t with me anymore, in the few short years I knew my grandfather, back when I was rather young I grew very fond of him. As I have grown up I have continued to try and remember him and he has become an Idol of mine. My username, Spook6, is the name of his B-17 and the title and post name both stem from that. Well, there’s my intro post. I will return soon with more semi-interesting items hopefully.