So Many Airplanes!

Alright, so if you don’t know yet, I’m in Arizona right now on a week long vacation. Currently I’m in Tuscon and today we visited the Pima Air and Space Museum as well as AMARG (Air Maintenance And Restoration Group). The museum had over 300 planes on display and it was truely amazing. I took an hour long tram tour around the planes on the outside of the museum and our guide was continually talking the entire time about practically every type of aircraft imaginable. His knowledge was truly amazing. Some of my favorites include the Super Guppy and the B-36. I’ll post pictures when I return from the trip. We also visited the 390th Memorial Museum which was dedicated to the first bombers over Berlin which my grandfather was one of (95th Bomb Group). I got to see one of the few remaining B-17s and I got to see my grandfather’s picture so that was really cool. Finally we went to AMARG where I saw more planes than I have ever seen in my life. Literally thousands upon thousands of planes are parked here awaiting maintenance or for the need to arise for them to return to service. They essentially seal them up and park them in rows making for an impressive site to see as you move through the base. There is also a section for planes that are being scrapped, which essentially can be called a graveyard, with random pieces of aircraft lying all around. All in all today was pretty great, I took a ton of pictures that I’ll put up when I’m back in Texas. More to come later this week.