The First Cylon is Born/The Lament of a Geek

Well after a long (and I mean LONG) wait Caprica has finally premiered! Even though I have the pilot on DVD, I sat down to watch the episode live anyway. I’m glad I did, since there were a few additions and changes throughout the episode. The most noticeable being Adama and Graystone talking in a sky box above the Buccaneers Pyramid field. This was something I was truly excited about. Ever since Pyramid was mentioned in Battlestar Galactica I have been dying to learn the rules of the game and actually witness a match in progress. There were a few other minor differences and added scenes, but if you noticed anything big please let me know. The episode itself was excellent in my opinion and I think Caprica shows a lot of promise. Even though it lacks a lot of sci-fi elements compared to traditional sci-fi shows. I really like the look and feel of the show and the season 1 preview showed some interesting stuff.

The second part of this post is in regards to my geek status. A little background, I got Cody a book called A Girl’s Guide to Dating a Geek and based on the geek test I am a certifiable geek. While I embrace my geekiness fully I do sometimes regret it. For example, yesterday people wanted to hang out in my room, yet I was busy watching my Geeky television show and being anti-social. Sometimes I feel that this is a problem, but I need to remember who I am and fully embrace that person whether other people like it or not.