The Pixelated Post #3

Many people form lists of things to do before a big event (death, graduation, etc.), also known as bucket lists. Seniors at Trinity, those who are terminally ill, people going through a mid life crisis. Gamers should also form a bucket list, the world of video games is filled with good games, bad games, and amazing games, and here’s a list of ten games (or series) to put on your gaming bucket list. 

Mass Effect (Series)
The Mass Effect series published by BioWare is possibly the chief video game when it comes to interactive storytelling. The storyline draws you in that you almost feel like each decision you make is one of the largest decisions you’ll ever make. Plus with three games in the series, and the ability to import saves from one game to the next every decision counts and the game has thousands of possible scenarios the player can end up in. Add spectacular game play and visuals and this series is hard to top. The game is technically a shooter but wraps in a nice dose of role playing so that even non-shooter fans get hours of enjoyment out of the game.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
From its early beginning as a birds eye view role playing game, The Legend of Zelda has come a long way. However, it’s not the most recent title in the franchise (Twilight Princess) that truly takes the cake as the best of the games. Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 that remains on top of this franchise as one of Nintendo’s first epic and engaging RPGs. The graphics (for the time) were extremely realistic, adding to the immersion the player felt. The dungeons were all well designed, and the game seemed to flow extremely well.

Halo (Series)
Whether you love or hate Halo for whatever reasons, it still deserves it’s place on this bucket list. Halo is arguably a game that revolutionized console first person shooters multiplayer (both on and off line). With up to 16 players able to play against each other in the original game (now 32 are able to play over Live) Halo made it possible for console gamers to enjoy big team multiplayer games. It also added diversity with many different possible game types and customizations within those types to help mold the experience to each players preference. Halo 2, 3 and Reach are all building upon that formula, and it’s hard to discredit the multiplayer system Bungie designed.

Due to a strict word count limit, I can only go in depth about these three games/series. There’s so much more to say about these and others but unfortunately no room to say it. Here’s a list of what else I would have on my video game bucket list:
Dead Space
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart (Series)
Final Fantasy VII
Super Smash Bros. (Series)
Half Life