The Week in Review 1/22-1/29

Well here I am, finally Friday after a stressful, yet enjoyable week. Besides handling the usual class load and homework issues (with certain homework assignments falling by the wayside) we also had Alpha Kappa Psi information session this week which after Tuesday night had a good turnout and I’m excited for the beginning of rush. In fact I already have my first interview request, which means I should probably get together some interview questions, but that’ll get done soon enough. It’s crazy to think that I was on the other side just last semester. The rush process certainly does it’s job though, I feel so much wiser and knowledgeable now than I ever thought I could have before AKPsi.

Now the major event of the week was of course the release of Mass Effect 2. This was a serious productivity reducer in my case. I went to my first ever midnight release on Monday night, and played the game for 2 hours after getting back to the dorm room. All in all I’ve played 12.5* hours so far, (7.5 of which came on Tuesday afternoon/evening) and have not gone to bed before 2 am at all this week. Mass Effect 2 is truly an epic story with great game play. One of my favorite features is the fact that you can import your Mass Effect 1 save data, and Mass Effect 2 remembers the decisions you made before. I find myself receiving in game messages from people I interacted with in the first game, and this to me is just amazing, and adds largely to the experience. The combat system has been changed around (for the better) although the skills have been simplified, which I’m not sure I enjoy as much. I understand BioWare’s motivation for this and attracting more shooter fans to the game, but I really liked the depth of skills and upgrading in the original. Also thank you BioWare for eliminating the Mako, the new planet scanning system, while not overly exciting is an entertaining and excellent new way to explore new worlds. I’m also thankful that collecting minerals is now actually worth something.

Wednesday was exciting as my AKPsi Bigs and I went to Beer N All, a drive through beverage provider. Now this at first glance seems highly illegal, since it is against the law to have open containers of alcohol in a vehicle. However, Beer N All does something quite ingenious, they place your beverage in a sealed plastic bag, therefore you do not have an open container in your car. Yes it is a little bit of bending of the law, but it is legal, and I’m not complaining.

Well the weekend is here, I have 30 minutes of class to go and I’m free, I’ve got an AKPsi BBQ tomorrow which will be fun, and who knows what will happen this weekend, after such an eventful weekend last week. I’ll keep you posted.