Week in Review 1/29-2/5 (Now a Continuing Series)

Well I figure I should keep these posts going since, It might even help me to keep track of what happens from week to week. Anyway this pas week, I don’t really know if anything exciting happened to me.

Mondays are hell, I have class straight through the day from 10:30 am until 4:30 pm, why on a Monday I ask, why am I cursed like this? However this past Monday did turn out bright in the end. After class the gang and I headed over to Chris Madrid’s to grab dinner. I have been to this restaurant before but never ordered anything so this was a new experience to me. I ordered the special burger they serve called the Tostado Burger which is basically a burger with grilled onions, refried beans, tortialla chips, cheese, and salsa. Needless to say, it was delicious, while the ingredients may not sound great on a burger I was pleasantly surprised. After my 2 hour choir rehearsal that evening my parents were in town and took Cody and I out to dinner (appetizers for us since we already ate) and who can complain about family and free food?

Wednesday I found myself at an Alpha Kappa Psi event called Night on Wall Street, in which I co-owned a company and students were supposed to invest in the several companies at the event in an attempt to make a profit. It was a good learning experience all in all, and provided a simplified view of how the stock market actually works. It was also quite fun making up stories as to why our stock price went up or down, such as attacks by environmentalists, and poor board member decisions. While we didn’t attract the crowd we wanted, this was a revival and we look forward to continuing the program in future years.

Thursday turned out to be somewhat exciting as I watched a Netflix DVD that I have had since August 26th of last year. This is the problem of instant streaming, I get so distracted by movies that I can watch instantly that I forget about the DVD that I actually had mailed to me. In this case it turned out to be Knocked Up which in the end was funny enough to have me laughing throughout, although definitely not a side splitter.

I’d have to say it’s been a good week, and remember to stay tuned every Friday/Saturday for the next installment of Week in Review.