Week in Review (3/8/10/ - 3/14/10)/I Can't Sleep

Well here it is, 1 in the morning in Katy, TX and I have lost the capacity to sleep.I figure this is the perfect opportunity to post a little bit on my blog and maybe that will wear me out. Well since I haven’t done a week in review for quite a few weeks (my apologies) I figured it was about time to do one, even though I should be releasing those on Fridays, but this one will be special.

Alright so this past week was the final week before spring break. One of my lease favorite weeks, because it always seems to take forever and professors love to cram tests into it. The week mainly consisted of me studying madly, hoping to do well on each of my three tests for the week. Tuesday was PAD 2, which I wouldn’t say was great, but I think I did alright on it. I hope I did alright on it, although the coding questions I am very unsure of. Following PAD 2 I moved on to Wednesday and Business Law. I must admit this could be one of the most complicated tests I have taken. It dealt with contracts, and there are so many minute little details involved with contracts, you need to read every problem three times before being able to make a fully informed decision. Again I’m not overly confident of my grade, but I do think I did alright. Finally on Thursday I had Finance. I simply destroyed that test. Thankfully it was all problem based, so easy to comprehend and easy to study. I think I did great, on that test which is quite a surprise for me.

Friday rolled around and it’s off to Katy, TX I go taking Cody home for a few days before our ski trip. The weekend has been great so far with excellent hospitality from the Brehms, home grilled burgers done by Cody’s dad, and last but not least intense paint balling with her sisters. Saturday I spent having lunch with Cody, her sisters, and their boyfriends. We went to a place called Mission Burrito which supposedly is what Chipotle is based off of. I was intrigued at the large amounts of options you could chose from, with three types of tortillas, two types of rice, three types of beans, and so many different fillings and salsa. Mission definitely scores on the variety point, but I think Chipotle has better tasting burritos. I wasn’t a big fan of the meat in my Mission Burrito, it wasn’t as juicy or flavorful as I would have liked. Although Mission does get bonus points for having IBC Root Beer in their fountain.

Sunday was dedicated to paint ball which was quite intense, awesome, and slightly painful. I had a ton of fun running around covering people in paint and playing various scenarios, but man does it hurt when you get hit by one of those paint balls. One of the best parts of the day was when we were playing a scenario in which you were supposed to capture the opposing teams fort, and I was able to score the winning capture. Another minor downside of the day was the fact that I forgot to put on my sunscreen and ended up with a little bit of sun burn on the back of my neck, but all in all a good day.

Well there we have it, the week in review, and I guess I could count myself as a little more tired now, and I probably should get some rest before going to a cycling class with Cody and her family tomorrow. I know, I must be crazy, paint ball, cycling, and then skiing but what can I say, I need to get into shape, even though my muscles are going to hat me for it. Hopefully I’ll be able to bring more updates soon.